I obtained my architecture degrees from the Poznań University of Technology and Architectural Association, London. I write and lecture about architecture and urban planning, I also cooperate on architecture projects as a freelancer.

Since 25 years I advocate for and work towards sustainable architecture and green compact cities.


The Schlossaneignung initiative launched a call for ideas for artistic interventions in June 2024 and published the results in October 2024.
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with Marzena Zajączkowska >>>


“Freiheit, Spitze, Scherben”, Anna Krenz
DOM magazine No. 17, November 2024, ISBN 978-3-86922-930-0)

“Puszczykowo: w poszukiwaniu tożsamości”, Anna Krenz
Kronika Miasta Poznania. 2016, [nr] 3, s. 324-336 (in Polish)

Laboratorium Interpretatorów | Interpretators' Lab
Expert, lecture and analysis, City Council and Mayor of Poznań, 29.2.2016

"Ingerencje tymczasowe. Wpływ kreatywności mieszkańców na rozwój Berlina" (lecture)
X International Economic Forum, 7-8.10.2010 Gdynia

"Inicjatywy ożywiania miasta na przykładzie Wrangelkiez w Berlinie”, Anna Krenz (lecture)
Rewitalizacja w przestrzeni publicznej, Śląski Zamek Sztuki i Przedsiębiorczości, Cieszyn 24.6.2010

„Inicjatywy ożywiania miasta” (lecture)
Światowe Dni Innowacji, Poznań 2009

“Inicjatywy ożywiania miasta”, Anna Krenz
Przegląd Urbanistyczny t.2., 2009 (in Polish)

"Urban Trauma: Catastrophe as a Factor for a Sustainable Metropolis?" (lecture)
The City and the State of Exception/State of Emergency. Ausnahmezustand and the Urban Condition. 5. Jahreskonferenz des Transatlantischen Graduiertenkollegs Berlin-New York, Center for Metropolitan Studies, 04.06.2009-06.06.2009 Berlin

“Design and catastrophes” (lecture)
Good Bye Design project, BWA Design, 18.03.2009 Wrocław

“Hens” (presentation)
8. Pecha Kucha Nicht, Berlin 2008

"Simulation of Reality and simulation of Virtuality, Second Life and back", Conference Bramy Miasta, Biblioteka Wizerunku Miasta, part II, Warsaw, 2007

“Sustainable Urban Development” (lecture)
Future Cities - Living Cities, Rote Rathaus, Berlin, 2007

“Berlin, poor, but sexy”, Anna Krenz (lecture and publication)
Biblioteka Wizerunku Miasta, Part 1, Bramy Miasta Conference, Warsaw, 2006 (in Polish)

"Environmental education in Architecture - necessity or fashion?" Anna Krenz
UIA Konferenz, Alexandria, Egypt, 2003

“Kultura i Natura, w poszukiwaniu równowagi", Anna Krenz
Metamorphosis of Architecture, Danzig [published], 2002

"Compact City, Theory and Reality" Anna Krenz
PLEA Conference, Toulouse [published in proceedings], 2002
Read ONLINE >>>

"Environmental Conscience in Architecture" [abstract published]
EuroEco Conference, Cracow, 2002

“Genius Loci - Research Methodology” (lecture)
OSSA Meeting, PAN Polish Science Institute, Poznan 1998



Conceptual design for the adaptation of the old Otto Banish brewery in Grodzisk Wielkopolski.
Design team:
Marzenna Zajączkowska, MA arch
Natalia Jachimczyk, MA arch
Anna Krenz, MA arch
Przemysław Gwizdała, MA arch
Michał Labrzycki, MA arch

Bottom up initiative of local architects, artists, lawyers and activists, working towards finding solutions for a plot in Schlesische Strasse (Banja Luka). Organised by Dominic Bausinger and Thomas King (San Remo); with ifau, Peanutz Architekten, Steffan Saffer, Jens Lowitzsch, Anna Krenz, and others.
Berlin, 2003

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