ANNA KRENZ (born 1976, Poznań, Poland) is a freelance artist, architect, graphic designer, author and researcher, activist.
She graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Poznan University of Technology and completed her Master's degree in Energy, Environment and Sustainable Design at the Architectural Association in London.
Anna Krenz exhibits her works in solo and group exhibitions in Germany, Poland and worldwide. She creates committed art, dealing with women's issues, socio-political topics, stereotypes and religion, which she combines with irony and humor. She uses many forms of expression, from drawing, painting and video to net art and performance. Her illustrations and graphics are published in print and digital media.
Since 2000 she has been a member of the women's design studio Sinus_3, which deals with issues of architecture, ecology and the design of public space, using various forms of visual, video and performance art.
Since 2001, Krenz has been working as a freelance creative member for Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, Denmark on renewable energy and communication projects.
From 2003 to 2012 she had been co-director of the ZERO Gallery in Berlin, which hosted over 100 exhibitions, concerts and happenings with artists from Poland, Germany and around the world.
From 2007 to 2009 she was editor-in-chief of the design magazine "VOX Design" and in the following years editor-in-chief of the design magazine "re:design".
Between 2007 and 2011 she was a member of the music band "The Curators" (improvised music).
Krenz is the founder of the group Dziewuchy Berlin, an informal group of Polish activists that has been organising demonstrations and actions (Black Protest 3.10.2016 or "Global Scream" 8.3.2018) in solidarity with women* from Poland, Germany and worldwide. She is the author of texts, illustrations and graphic design campaigns at the Dziewuchy Berlin.
Founder and chairwoman of the association Ambasada Polek e.V., initiator and member of the International Council of Polish Women+
She writes and lectures on sustainable architecture, urban development, women’s and human rights, history and politics. Since 2003 she lives in Berlin, and is single mom.
2024 - Research scholarschip / Colonialism and Poland / Pilecki Institut, Berlin
2024 - Ideas for Castle Appropriation / Winning entry / Initiative Schlossaneignung
2022 - Research scholarship / Fonds Darstellende Künste, Berlin
2022 - Research scholarship / Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
2022 - Research Schlarship / The Foundation for Arts Initiatives, USA
2021 - Clara Zetkin–Frauenpreis / for Dziewuchy Berlin
2020 - Goldene Eulen Preis in Visual Arts / Jupiter Redaktion, Wien
2018 - Green Pussyhat Prize / for Dziewuchy Berlin
2008 - Project Scholarship / Polish Ministry of Culture, Warsaw
2005 - Project Scholarship from Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur, Förderung von Aktivitäten von Migrantinnen und Migranten in Berlin
2003 - Notable mention for the diploma (Poznań Techical University, Dept. of Architecture) / Polish Ministry of Infrastructure, Warsaw
2003 - Scholarship / 3. Trimester – – Bauhaus Kolleg, Bauhaus Foundation, Dessau
2002 - Scholarship / Investigative Journalism Course, Maastricht University, Maastricht
2001 - First Prize / Architecture Film Competition, Lublin University of Technology, 2001 (Sinus_3)
2000 - 3. Prize / Euro Art Meeting, Wrocław 2000, European Urban Art Installation competition (Sinus_3)
Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, Denmark (Advisory Board)
Ambasada Polek e.V. (Founder and chairwoman),
International Council of Polish Women+ (Initiator and member)
neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK) (Member)
Berufsverband bildender künstler*innen - bbk berlin (Member)
Nasze Puszczykowo Association (Member)
Dziewuchy Berlin (Founder and member)
World Council for Renewable Energy - Solar City Task Force, Workgroup coordinator, 2002
OSSA – Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Studentów Architektury, Co-founder, 1998
2023 “Sisters in Arms”, Halfsister, Berlin
2022 "Botschaft der Polinnen*", Kongres Kobiet, Wrocław, Poland
2022 "Botschaft der Polinnen*", Dziewuchy Berlin Siostry*Preis, Haus der Statistik, Berlin
2020 "Botschaft der Polinnen*", Haus der Statistik, Berlin
2017 “Tausend und ein Wort. Polnische Protestkunst in Berlin”, Galerie Schau Fenster, Berlin
2017 “Santa Barbara”, Polenbegeisterungswelle Festival, Berlin
2008 „Monkeys and Saints”, Gallery Myymälä2, Helsinki, Finland
2007 “Achtung! Achtung!” BWA Wroclaw, BWA Galleries of Contemporary Art, Wrocław, Poland
2006 “Medi@cus”, Phoenicia Center for Contemporary Art, Rosemary, Second Life
2006 “Polish Wife", Interrelation SHOP, Kulturhaus Spandau, Berlin
2005 „Kury“, Galerie DLA, Toruń, Poland
2005 „Polnische Frau“, FIRANKA, Berlin
2005 „Deutscher Mann“, Galerie ZERO, Berlin
2005 „1000 Wörter“, Waschmaschinewsky, Berlin
2005 „Siedmiu Wspaniałych“, ON Galerie, Poznań, Poland
2004 „Polish Wife“, TERrA Polska Festival, Galerie ZERO, Berlin
2004 „Polish Wife“, Collegium Polonicum, Slubice
2004 „No words“, Berliner Zeitung, Berlin
2004 „Polnische Frau“, 4th International Literature Festival, Polish Cultural Institute, Berlin
2003 Sinus_3 - Projekte, Photographie, Galerie ZERO, Berlin
2002 Sinus_3 - Projects, Piwnica 21 Gallery, Poznań
2002 Sinus_3 - Projekte, Photographie, SARP Galerie, Poznań, Poland
1988 „I am not bored…” Bilder, Puppen, MDK „Pod Lipami”, Poznań, Poland
2024 “Traces of Solidarity”, Galerie Grolman, Berlin
2024 “Freiheit, Gleichheit, Solidarność”, Freifläche, im Berlin Global Ausstellung, Humboldtforum, Berlin
2024 “Frauen im Schatten der Guillotine. Polinnen hingerichtet in Plötzensee”, Regenbogenfabrik, Berlin
2023 “NENIA”, Rusałka Festival, Barak Kultury, Poznań, Polen
2022 “BlasFEMINISTKI”, Dom Norymberski, Kraków, Polen (catalogue)
2022 „Dom Wandy”, Puszczykowo, Polen
2022 „Fahlende Hälfte der Geschichte. Irena Bobowska, die Vergessene Heldin”, Regenbogenfabrik; Volkspark Friedrichshain; Kulturkirche Nikodemus; Friedhof Aliglienicke, Berlin
2020 „TOYS2“, Galeria ZPAP, Toruń, Polen
2020 "Nigdy nie będziesz szła sama", Galeria Labirynt, Lublin, Poland | Virtual guide >>>
2019 „Femfest”, Essen
2019 "Bewegende Zeiten", ZK/U Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, Berlin
2019 "Die Hälfte der Welt gehört uns!”, curator: Anke Therese Schulz, MA, PhD, alpha nova & galerie futura, Berlin >>>
2019 „Da Capo al Fine” / „LABIRYNT. Festiwal Nowej Sztuki”, Frankfurt / Słubice (catalogue)
2019 „100 flag na 100lecie uzyskania praw wyborczych przez Polki”, Centralne Muzeum Włókiennictwa / Central Museum of Textiles, Łódź
2019 "Sto flag na stulecie uzyskania praw wyborczych przez kobiety”, Biuro Wystaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 16/18 lok. 4, Warsaw
2018 "Marsz 100 Flag", Happening, Warsaw, 24.11.2018
2018 „Decydentki”, Dom Norymberski, Kraków, Polen (catalogue)
2017 „Artist as Curator Vol. 7”, Galerie Schau Fenster, Berlin
2013 "Architektura - Zapis Idei", Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu (catalogue)
2011 “Recycling the Iron Curtain”. 30 bildende Künstler:innen aus Polen zeigen ihre Positionen, Kühlhaus Berlin
2010 „Polish Wife“, Shoot-me Festival, Den Haag
2009 „Mit Mitologia Mitomania. O współczesnych pojęciach mitu”, IV Spotkania Artystyczne ASPEKTY, Galeria Promocji Młodych, Łódź, Polen
2009 „Hożarty Festival”, Kawangarda, Warszawa, Polen
2009 „Sweet in Art”, Galeria Sztuki, Legnica, Polen
2009 „Indigo Girls” (at Edmund Pipers Project „Circus Maximus”), Berlin Preview, Berlin
2009 „Szczyt Bohaterów”, Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków, Polen
2009 „A mury runą. Solidarność i estetyka rewolucji”, Senatsreservenspeicher, Berlin
2008 Joint Custody Project (curated by Found Gallery, LA), Raab Galerie, Berlin
2008 "This World is not my Home", Tacheles Galerie, Berlin
2008 „MANIPULACJA? prowokacja”, Festiwal Sztuki Niezależnej Re:Wizje, UFA, Warszawa, Polen
2008 „Anonyme Zeichner”, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/ Bethanien, Berlin
2008 „Wielkie Żarcie“, Galeria Artystów Zaangażowanych GAZ, Łódź, Polen
2008 Manual CC -- Projektraum Uqbar, Berlin
2008 Manual CC -- CSW Zamek Ujazdowski, Warszawa, Polen
2008 HackFemEast, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/ Bethanien, Berlin
2008 Kunstinvasion, Blumengrossmarkt/Berliner Kunsthalle, Berlin
2007 Transmediale07, Berlin
2007 „KaDeOs“, Kunsthaus Erfurt, Erfurt
2007 1. Internationale Push-Art Berlin“ (Patin: Tanja Dückers), Volksbühne, Berlin
2007 „Reticulum“, Video Screening in Sibiu, Rumanien
2007 Manual CC – Galeria Kronika, Bytom, Polen
2006 „Welcome to the Media!“, Krolikarnia, National Museum, Warszawa, Polen
2006 „Nie lekajcie sie!“, Private apartments, Warszawa, Polen
2006 Paraflows Festival, Vienna, Austria
2006 „Architektura intymna, architektura porzucona”, Galeria Kronika, Bytom, Polen
2006 3. Berliner Kunstsalon, Berlin
2005 „The same procedure as every year“ -- Slubfurt e.V., Frankfurt (Oder)
2005 „USUK”, Lab Gallery, New York, USA
2005 „Use me” – Gallery ZERO art interchange, Galeria ZERO, Barcelona, Italien
2005 „Sztuka kobiet, kobieta w sztuce“, Składnica Sztuk, Olsztyn, Polen
2005 „Galerie ZERO presents...”, Studio BWA, Wroclaw Non Stop Festival, Wroclaw, Polen
2005 „Keiner Entkommt”, Gesicht der Zeit, Internationales Forum, Berlin
2005 „Fokus Szymborska”, Insel Galerie, Berlin
2005 „Positionen”, Teatr 77, Łódź, Polen
2005 „One step forward, two steps back”, The Club, Yerevan, Armenia
2005 „Czy ja to płeć?”, Progressteron Festival, Górnosląskie Centrum Kultury, Katowice, Polen
2005 „Wyobraźnia Ekranu” Festival, UMK, Toruń, Polen
2005 Supermarket Sztuki V, 1st Biennial of Young European Art, Galeria Program, Galeria DAP, Warszawa
2005 „Uwaga! Polen kommen!” Festival, Galerie Schubertstraße, Weimar
2004 1. Berliner Kunstsalon, Berlin
2004 „The same procedure as every year“ – Klub der Polnischen Versager, Berlin
2004 D.O.G. Game – compact/space Galerie, Berlin
2003 “Unexpected Geometry” – Changing Channels, London Biennale Pollinations, Berlin
2003 “Intimacy – Architecture on Video”, Florenz, Italien
2002 Lodging London, “Un-Private House”, MACBA, Barcelona, Spanien
2002 “Beyond Media – Architecture on Video” Festival, Florenz, Italien
2000 8th Biennale of Architecture, Kraków, Polen
2000 Euro Art Meeting, European Urban Art Installation, Wrocław, Polen
2000 ‘City of the Third Millennium’, Venice Biennale of Architecture, Italian Pavilion, Venedig
1998 7th International Biennale of Architecture, Art Bunker Gallery, Kraków, Polen
“Sisters in Arms”, Halfsister, Berlin, July 2023
“Global Scream” - International Women's Day, Berlin, 8.3.2023 | more >>>
“Empört euch!”, International Women's Day, Dziewuchy Berlin, 8.3.2022
“Wir sind Widerstand!”, International Women's Day, Dziewuchy Berlin, 8.3.2021
RE:Kreacja / Mediations Biennale Polska, Mosina, Poland, 2020
"VOICES", Brandenburger Tor, Dziewuchy Berlin, 28.9.2020
"Dziady / All Saints", Volkspark Friedrichshain, Dziewuchy Berlin, 1.11.2020
“Global Scream” - International Women's Day, Berlin, worldwide, 8.3.2019 | more >>>
“Oko Prezesa” – politisches Happening, Berlin, January 2016
“Poetry Spam”, Transmediale08, Berlin, 2008
“Life of a woman”, Polish Cultural Institute, Leipzig, 2006
“Dreams”, Kulturhaus Spandau, Berlin, 2006
“zerorezero” – happening during the opening of ZERO Gallery, Berlin, May 2003
“Unexpected Geometry” (Sinus_3) happening during 9th Biennale of Architecture, Kraków, Poland, 2002
“Kerfent” (Sinus_3) video film show and performance, Piwnica21 Gallery, Poznań, Poland, 2002
“Creation of the World, backwards!” (Sinus_3), Euro Art Meeting, Wrocław, Poland, 2000
“Sound Creation of Space” (Sinus_3), ‘Warsztat Architekta’, Warszawa, Poland, 2000
“Concrete Side of the World” (Sinus_3), Plac Wolności, Poznań, Poland, 2000