Polish women
in Plötzensee

Portraits of Polish women murdered in Berlin Plötzensee during the 2nd world war. Part of the project "Frauen im Schatten der Guillotine.
Polinnen hingerichtet in Plötzensee".

20x20 cm / Acryl on canvas

When the German historical narrative talks about the resistance movement during World War II, it is usually only about the German resistance movement. There is little talk about the Polish resistance movement, and there is no talk at all about Polish women who worked in the underground.

In my historical passion, I like to discover what is forgotten, what is ignored. That is, women. That is, Polish women. That is, Polish female warriors.

By researching archives, source materials and old documents, I have created a list of Polish women murdered in the Berlin prison in Plötzensee. Many of them were active in the underground and resistance movement in Poland and Berlin, many of them were convicted in propaganda show trials for words or giving someone a glass of water, others for practically nothing - for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. All of them were accused of high treason and sentenced to death by guillotine. Many were subject to dr Stieve's anatomy research, most of them do not have a proper grave, as bodies were not found.

Only one of them managed to survive - Stefania Przybył, who daringly escaped from Moabit prison. She is the only person who managed to escape from this prison.

So I decided to remember these women. The list is not complete. For some of them there are quite many archival materials, for most - not much. But it is a start.

Weronika Augustyniak

*30.11.1899, Borki
+15.8.1942, Berlin Plötzensee

Irena Bobowska

*3.9.1920, Poznań
+27.9.1942, Berlin Plötzensee

Franciszka Brucka

*1.11.1893, Nowe
+21.3.1941, Berlin Plötzensee

Marta Buszka

*23.1.1916, Łagiewniki
+16.3.1940, Berlin Plötzensee

Polish women  in Plötzensee Czubakowska
Polish women  in Plötzensee Czubakowska
Dobrzykowska Polki w Plötzensee
Dobrzykowska Polki w Plötzensee
Bronisława Czubakowska

*9.7.1916, Zgierz
+15.8.1942, Berlin Plötzensee

Pelagia Dobrzykowska

*23.10.1911, Wielkopolska
+16.3.1940, Berlin Plötzensee

Marta Buszka Polki w Plötzensee
Marta Buszka Polki w Plötzensee
Maria Gąszczak

*28.12.1914 in Duisburg
+28.9.1943 Berlin Plötzensee

Zofia Gołombiewska


Monika Dymska

*8.6.1918, Nowa Góra,
+25. 6.1943 Berlin Plötzensee

Wilhelmine Günther

*18.7.1917, Poznań
+9.6.1944, Berlin Plötzensee

Wiesława Jezierska

*13.10.1912, Dzwinjacz
+9.3.1943, Berlin Plötzensee

Cecylia Grześkiewicz

*10.8.1924, Gadów
+25.11.1943, Berlin Plötzensee

Miłosława Kocowa

*31.1.1908, Stanisławów
+16.2.1943, Berlin Plötzensee

Halina Konieczna

*25.8.1921, Poznań
+16.2.1943, Berlin Plötzensee

Melania Kmiotek

*17.9.1892, Broniewo
+12.9.1942, Berlin Plötzensee

Johanna Kursatz

*15.2.1900, Koelpin / Wolsztyn
+3.3.1942, Berlin Plötzensee

Agnieszka Łaszkiewicz

*10.1.1894, Borki
+2.9.1942, Berlin Plötzensee

Marta Kosch

*27.7.1911, Hajduki Wielkie
+27.1.1944, Berlin Plötzensee

Ewa Martynowicz

*21.1.1893, Raniżów
+5.4.1943, Berlin Plötzensee

Janine Mertyn

*15.5.1921, Łódź
+21.8.1941, Berlin Plötzensee

Helena Maćkowiak

*12.7.1902, Berlin
+2.11.1942, Berlin Plötzensee

Jadwiga Neumann

*21.9.1890, Bickern/ Gelsenkirchen
+27.1.1944, Berlin Plötzensee

Anna Pajonk

*13.1.1900, Katowice
+4.3.1943, Berlin Plötzensee

Genowefa Młynarz

*29.12.1902, Krotoszyn
, Berlin Plötzensee

Olga Kamińska-Prokop

*22.7.1922, Brody
+9.3.1943, Berlin Plötzensee

Stefania Przybył Jung-Mochnacka

*26.12.1913, Berlin
+24.7.1973, Kraków

Marianna Pietrzak

*16.5.1900, Stanisławów
+22.9.1942, Berlin Plötzensee

Maria Rybacka

+ Berlin Plötzensee

Franciszka Rychły

*30.11.1907, Podmokłe Małe
+04.03.1943, Berlin Plötzensee

Marta Rachel

*26.5.1904, Kępno
, Berlin Plötzensee

Władysława Sieradzka

*26.6.1891, Zawiercie
+12.1942, Berlin Plötzensee

Gertruda Świerczek

*22.12.1921, Bad Gottschalkowitz
+8.9.1944, Berlin Plötzensee

Pelagia Scheffczyk

*8.3.1915, Bottrop
+5.10.1943, Berlin Plötzensee

Pelagia Trocha

*14.11.1874, Oborniki
+10.4.1942, Berlin Plötzensee

Pauline Tyszewski

*13.4.1899, Nowe
+21.3.1941, Berlin Plötzensee

Agnieszka Szukalska

*12.4.1891, Ćmachowo
+20.5.1943, Berlin Plötzensee

Anna Marie Warszawski

*18.8.1907, Koronowo/ Bydgoszcz
+1.4.1943, Berlin Plötzensee

Wanda Węgierska

*1.2.1919, Łódź
+25.6.1943, Berlin Plötzensee

Nina Veith

*19.12.1914, Warszawa
+25.6.1943 , Berlin Plötzensee

Marie Wrobiński

+Berlin Plötzensee

Agnieszka Zarembowicz

*23.10.1895, Wrocław
+22.8.1942, Berlin Plötzensee

Maria Wieczorek

*4.8.1886, Radzionków/Tarnowskie Gory
+22.9.1944, Berlin Plötzensee

Leokadia Zbierska

*22.3.1917, Gabelfeld
+22.8.1942, Berlin Plötzensee

The project is funded by the EVZ Foundation (Remembrance Responsibility Future)
This publication does not represent the opinion of the EVZ Foundation.