History being discovered and brought to life. History of a house and its inhabitants reflects history of Poland, from prewar period to the present day. A modernist villa in Puszczykowo (Poland), designed by Edmund Rychlicki for Wanda Warrikoff (born Szulc). Based on old and incomplete documents found in the basement, I methodically discover and research fragments of the history of people living in that one building that bears their traces. Based on archival information, I created family trees of Wanda and her husband. They are probably not accurate or complete, but the process is ongoing.
Materials in Polish.

I was invited to take part in the project and tell the story of my parents' house and its residents. The house, built in 1936 by the German Wanda Warrikoff, is an example of modern architecture. I have a large archive collection on the history of the house and I would like to develop it further in a creative way. "Old houses have something unusual - the smell of mystery, the energy of former residents, dignity. Sometimes they hide memorabilia - yellowed documents that remind us of certain characters and fragments of their fate, even against the background of the turmoil of history."
Organised by Key4Tomorrow Foundation www.key4tomorrow.pl
Co-financing: Powiat Poznański City of Puszczykowo Marshal's Office of the Wielkopolska Region

Photo: Tomasz Siuda